It's been quite a long time since I have written to y'all... School keeps me busy, how dare it! Despite the amount of homework & studying I have had recently, I have learned to enjoy the simple things in life and just being content.
I really recommend my "Secret to Being Happy" video I uploaded!!
Any who, I have been extremely happy recently for no apparent reason. I am just content with life and all it has to offer. I understand that this seems impossible at times, but there is always a bright side to ANY situation, you just have to find it.
It will take time, but work on finding the positive side of things. :)
I find myself smiling while doing homework... I repeat, HOMEWORK! I just feel so blessed to be able to have the chance to go to school, learn and hope to get into a good college, job & so forth.
Of course, I have days where I'm just in a funk and that's completely natural. Although, it doesn't take me too long to turn my frown upside down.
I saw this quote the other day and it really spoke to me..
"There are two things in this life never worth crying about: what can be cured and what cannot be cured." ~ Matthew Pearl
This quote is SO TRUE! If you find yourself sad about something that can be changed, why cry about it? Go change it! Do something about it! If you find yourself crying about something that cannot be changed, well it is what it is. Life's too short to cry about something that you have no control over, and that's okay!
For example: This past October, my beloved Grandmother passed away.. It was pretty tough for me at first, but after a while I thought to myself "she is happier now, she is up there dancing with God". Whenever I find myself missing her I just imagine her happy and carefree, looking down at me wanting the same for me. I know there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, so I just make the best out of it.
Well, that's all for today my loves.. I have to catch up on some Desperate Housewives on Netflix & drink some relaxing chamomile tea. I missed being able to write to y'all! Please comment on this post letting me know what I should write about next..
Until next time,
Any who, I have been extremely happy recently for no apparent reason. I am just content with life and all it has to offer. I understand that this seems impossible at times, but there is always a bright side to ANY situation, you just have to find it.
It will take time, but work on finding the positive side of things. :)
I find myself smiling while doing homework... I repeat, HOMEWORK! I just feel so blessed to be able to have the chance to go to school, learn and hope to get into a good college, job & so forth.
Of course, I have days where I'm just in a funk and that's completely natural. Although, it doesn't take me too long to turn my frown upside down.
I saw this quote the other day and it really spoke to me..
"There are two things in this life never worth crying about: what can be cured and what cannot be cured." ~ Matthew Pearl
This quote is SO TRUE! If you find yourself sad about something that can be changed, why cry about it? Go change it! Do something about it! If you find yourself crying about something that cannot be changed, well it is what it is. Life's too short to cry about something that you have no control over, and that's okay!
For example: This past October, my beloved Grandmother passed away.. It was pretty tough for me at first, but after a while I thought to myself "she is happier now, she is up there dancing with God". Whenever I find myself missing her I just imagine her happy and carefree, looking down at me wanting the same for me. I know there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, so I just make the best out of it.
Well, that's all for today my loves.. I have to catch up on some Desperate Housewives on Netflix & drink some relaxing chamomile tea. I missed being able to write to y'all! Please comment on this post letting me know what I should write about next..
Until next time,