Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sleep in Saturday

           With all of the hustle and bustle of high school, I always try to find myself some "me time". Recently, this has been quite difficult due to clubs, cheerleading, performing arts class, grades, my youtube channel, and trying to maintain somewhat of a social life. My mom claims I'm a busy bee with no free time on my hands. Some could say that's true, others could say I have "FOMO" (fear of missing out). I came across this term from a friend of mine's blog, click here to check it out! Basically, I am interested in so many different activities. I really enjoy playing sports, acting, dancing, filmaking, writing, fashioning.. is that a word? ;) Anyways, this weekend I decided just to give myself a little "me time". 

With the somewhat cooler weather have blessed with in Florida, I have been taking full advantage of it. I got to sleep in which is a rare occasion for me on Saturday mornings due to morning practices, brother's soccer games or just hanging out with friends. Currently, I am sitting at the dining room table, eating some tasty scrambled eggs accompanied with a hot cup of chamomile tea (my favorite). 

After I finish my first blog post, I'm going to pick out a simple outfit for this lovely, cool Saturday morning to go to my hair appointment. On some Saturdays, my mom and I love to have a girls day which I have a feeling what today might be. 
All in all, It's always a great idea to give yourself some time alone or with your family. 

One of my favorite things to do on chilly nights is steep a cup of my favorite tea, light one of my favorite seasonal candles and watch gossip girl or go on pinterest for hours while listening to pandora (and probably instagram it too). Simple things like this always bring me happiness.
Hope everyone has a lovely "Sleep in Saturday"!

My Saturday Morning Essentials 


  1. Loved this post can't wait to see the rest xxx

  2. Great first post! Can't wait for more xx

  3. I'm definitely going to do this next Saturday! Great job Danielle!

  4. Aww I love this post :) I totally agree with the late
    nights watching gossip girl I do this quite often! And
    I followed your blog I absolutely love your youtube channel :)
    Can't wait to see more posts!!

  5. Love it! Can't wait to see more from you!

  6. Thanks for the mention!! You're too adorable.
    xoxo Haley

  7. Love your youtube videos and I just found your blog! I'm still in love with your style!
    Xoxo Emma
